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We’ve Got To Hand it to You
Every client should have personal goals for what they hope their prosthesis will do for them; restore appearances, help them to avoid intrusive questions, or get back to their favorite sport. In this case, the client wanted to regain basic functions like holding keys and being able to shake hands again. This client didn’t have…

Who Wears Short Shorts?
Words from our last custom silicone leg cover client: “You are making miracles…Like, I’ve been wearing sweatpants every day since my accident. Now I can wear shorts and go to the beach.” “This is about as close as anyone is going to get to a real leg.”

Becoming Yourself Again
This client grew up receiving compliments on her elegant, long fingers. After losing her ring finger in her mid-20’s, this client lost the sense of pride she had in her hands and felt she had to hide them. She not only lost her finger, but felt she lost a piece of her identity. Upon wearing…

Making a Fashion Statement
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Anticipation and Expectations
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Little Details Make a Big Difference
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