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Where There’s a Will There’s A Way
Today marks the third anniversary of journalist, author and long distance swimmer Diana Nyad’s record breaking swim from Cuba to Florida. Diana’s determination and hard work continues to be truly inspiring. We are honored to have played a small role in her journey by creating the mask she wore to protect herself from the deadly…
Two of a Kind
Our primary goal is to create a prosthesis that truly satisfies each of our clients and it is always great to hear feedback after they have taken it home. Some of our clients prefer to have a second or “back-up” prosthesis in the event something should happen to one. We created an ear for this…
Looks Are Everything
In today’s world, looks are often said to be “everything”. Billions of dollars are spent each year on cosmetics and clothing. The work we do isn’t about looking younger or showing off the latest trends. What matters to us is that a client can go to the grocery store without attracting a second look from…

Who Let the Toes Out?
When someone is missing a part of their lower limbs, wearing opened toe shoes often isn’t an option. During the summer time and in warmer climates, opened toe shoes are a daily wardrobe staple and frequently a fashion statement. While shoe choice may seem minor, a cosmetic foot restoration opens up the possibility of wearing…

Becoming Yourself Again
This client grew up receiving compliments on her elegant, long fingers. After losing her ring finger in her mid-20’s, this client lost the sense of pride she had in her hands and felt she had to hide them. She not only lost her finger, but felt she lost a piece of her identity. Upon wearing…

No Nail? No Problem
This client lost her left great toenail as a child resulting in a shortened toe that made her feel self conscious in some shoes. She also had nerve discomfort when the scar was touched. Usually we make our prosthetic nails out of acrylic, which allows the nails to be painted. In this case, there was…